Reply to post: Re: Just charge for access

Elon Musk set to buy Twitter in $44b deal, promises stuff

Dave 126 Silver badge

Re: Just charge for access

>millennials living in their parents basements.

Wow. Their parents had job opportunities and lower house prices. Are you seriously blaming the kids for economic (and lack of house-building) policies enacted before they were born?

And what exactly has their hair colour got to with anything? Why the attack on their appearance? Is it because ultimately you know their is some truth in what they feel, and so you can't debate issues on their merits? Or is it that you respond to wolfwhistles, designed to stoke your fears?

Look at the history of powerful companies defending their interests. The tobacco companies used tactics to weaken the power of statistics in the popular imagination. The oil companies took these tactics and built upon them. You would expect nothing less as a shareholder - the company should use every means to further its interests - the system has worked 'as intended'. Now, it is organisations that profit from the asset-rich that feed this culture war bollocks to muffle the voices of the least powerful in society. And today have a bunch of middle aged folk sat around a pub table saying repeatedly "We're just not allowed to say anything anymore!" when it's hard to think of a demographic in history for which that has been less true.

Yes, some youngsters are in their parents' basements. And they are a bit naffed-off about it.

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