Reply to post: Re: I love Elon

SpaceX's Starlink service lands first aviation customer

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: I love Elon

"Best product ever. I may be biased!!"

Ok, now pack up your kit and try it in a big city. I doubt you'd see anywhere near the same bandwidth and, of course, you'd be blocked by the system for being outside you designated usage zone. If you'd like to add this new area to your account, you can sign up to be notified when a slot becomes available and they've decided how much of a premium they are going to charge.

For people in the out and beyond, it might be a good option, but that doesn't mean there are enough customers in those places for the system to be able to pay for itself. The plan is for a 42,000 satellite constellation and the need to replace those sats every 5 years. This is in addition to the 3-4% infant failure and the need to get Starship working to be able to launch the newer versions of the satellites in bigger batches. The issue seems to be volume as Falcon Heavy hasn't been mentioned as launch vehicle.

The Ukraine deal is straight PR. To knock off service in the area, the enemy only needs to identify the downlink site and lob a few molotov cocktails at it. There would be no need to go after the subscriber dishes or the satellites.

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