Reply to post: Re: Fight back / ramp down

Under pressure, SAP shuts down Russian operations

Lars Silver badge

Re: Fight back / ramp down

@Danny 2

Hello, we are apparently the only two left on this thread about "SAP".

The Wiki link you provided has awfully old data, like . "Finland was 100% dependent on a single supplier in gas, namely Russia" but that is regarding 2010.

If you look at 2020 stats here you find this

Natural Gas Imports 10805.00 Terajoule

Natural Gas Imports from Russia 2909.00 Terajoule

But it's inevitable that ending a trade relation will cost something for everyone who has any trade.

Anyway the Finnish government has made it's decision to end Russian imports of energy.

As for district heating you find it here:

My cousin married a nice lady from Scotland and when I had a chance I went to see her parents in Dundee in spring, long ago. Nice people, nothing to complain about in Scotland.

NATO has been a topic in Finland since it was founded.

I let a former Finnish PM explain that here:

All the best to you and nice of you to take care of orphans from Ukraine.


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