Reply to post: Why in the cars

British motorists will be allowed to watch TV in self-driving vehicles


Why in the cars

Seems to me having the intelligence in the car is a waste of time. We need to have intelligence in the roads. If instead of trying to get AI to read road markings and traffic lights we had a system that unequivocally communicated to the cars if they could stop or go or what speed they could travel at and in which lane and, importantly, on which roads assisted driving was safe, we would have partial self driving a lot quicker. Its the boring bit of the journey that is easiest to automate.

Re "illegal to use mobile phones in self-driving mode, given the greater risk they pose in distracting drivers as shown in research."

I think we will find in research in the near future that shows watching TV while driving is similarly distracting.

Probably from a misinformed Tesla driver within days of this legislation being past.

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