Reply to post: Re: Clippy behind the wheel

British motorists will be allowed to watch TV in self-driving vehicles

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Clippy behind the wheel

Re-read your last sentence - what a dystopian view! Roads are for humans. How are you going to adapt them to be 'safe' for dumb robots? The only practical way would be to put fences on each side and limit human access to designated zones where the robot cars were stationary. You could call them something like 'stations'. Then you need to be 100% sure the robots stay on path - better put a mechanical fail safe to back up the electronics - you could probably just get the cars to follow a couple of metal strips in the road.

Meanwhile in the real world I quite like walking and cycling on roads, and being a selfish git I value my freedom to do that more than I value some other selfish git's precious need to catch up on Love Island on his way to a pointless meeting about telephone sanitizing

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