Reply to post: And this, kids,

An early crack at network management with an unfortunate logfile

Joe W Silver badge

And this, kids,

is the reason to write clean language code and not include profanities even in test code. The stuff lingers on...

Not that I ever did this, nor any name calling of colleagues who are too thick to grasp even the most basic concepts in statistics. "this is mathematically impossible, returns no meaningful results and will even give stupid and wrong answers" was usually twisted to "Joe is obstructive and does not want to do this". Glad he had to backtrack, as his idea produced stupid and wrong results out of the reasons I told him.

Where was I? Oh, much like the BOFH writing "the Boss is a w*nker" in sharpie on the tape leads I included some comments in the code. At least those who will have to clean up the mess know why it is there and what is wrong...

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