Reply to post: Re: As A Matter Of Fact

Climate model code is so outdated, MIT starts from scratch

Arthur the cat Silver badge

Re: As A Matter Of Fact

GC-languages consume 100% more memory than reference-counted languages

No, it depends on the garbage collection technique used(*). You're probably thinking of a simple dual space collector. Even that doesn't use twice as much real memory except in very worst case, only twice as much virtual memory. Using ephemeral spaces reduces that considerably. From memory, it's possible to reduce GC space overhead to ~10% at the cost of extra GC work and still be practical.

Oh, and Rust isn't a GCed language. It can be, but it was specifically designed not to require one (or any other runtime environment).

(*) For full coverage of the topic see The Garbage Collection Handbook: The Art of Automatic Memory Management and its web site.

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