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Vital UK customs system outage contributes to travel chaos at its borders

Claverhouse Silver badge

Not just my visceral opposition to democracy --- of which this government is the ineluctable result: and only the American system * more fully is the Will of that People --- nor my disdain for that shrieking little vulgarian, but how could being ruled by one's own people ( as is now happening in Afghanistan ) be automatically better than being ruled by others, any competent others, if one's own government people are ravingly inadequate fools who are solely out for their own pockets and in the service of their class ?


Serious question. Not merely applying the the fatuous Brexit, but to many of the nationalist, independence-using governments of the 20th century of far left and far right.



* 'System' being used vaguely since we are dealing with Americans here: no offence, but even their bureaucracies are fundamentally chaotic.

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