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DARPA says US hypersonic missile is ready for real world

bombastic bob Silver badge

eh, keep in mind that the Soviet Union (and now Russia) are big on claiming that they can do certain things but do so ONLY to invoke fear. On the other hand, the USA and its allies typically release information on the UN-classified capabilities of a weapon, ship, aircraft, yotta yotta yotta.

Now... HOW long was it before the stealth fighter and stealth bomber were confirmed? They flew for years around places like Area 51 and were claimed to be UFOs but aside from possible REAL tech that is like a space alien aircraft might be, I would assume that most UFO sightings near test ranges are probably "OURS".

/me thinking of an old dog food commercial...

My bomb's bigger than your bomb

My bomb's bigger than yours

My bomb's bigger than your bomb

And it's faster and makes a bigger boom!

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