Reply to post: Re: unlike your typical UK green energy project

Tomorrow Water thinks we should colocate datacenters and sewage plants

Dave 126 Silver badge

Re: unlike your typical UK green energy project

> each house on a street needs 40 Amps for their EV charger, 40 Amps for their Heat Pump, and 40 Amps for an electric shower?

Some low hanging fruit here would be to pause the charging of their electric vehicle whilst they shower. Or use the EV battery to run the heat pump. Or shower using water that has been used as a thermal store. Maybe a warmer house will help people spend less time under the hot shower, that they develop a lather then rinse routine.

You're right that these things start out as the playthings of the wealthy. As did the bicycle. There are some challenges for sure, but none that require us to break the laws of physics to solve.

Also, individual actions are largely futile, we need a better grip on how things are organised. Companies employ engineers, accountants, psychologists to persue their goals, goals that aren't properly aligned with ours. ( Indeed, it was a deliberate PR campaign that trained us to believe littering was the fault of people, not Coca Cola or McDonalds.) One, I can't fight that as an individual, Two, it seems a waste of talent not to have them work with us.

Yikes, it looks like I might have to overcome my aversion to committees.

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