Reply to post: Re: Sorry.....I've known about the 'dystopian nightmare' for many years.................

Web3 'contains the seeds of a dystopian nightmare' says analyst firm

bombastic bob Silver badge
Big Brother

Re: Sorry.....I've known about the 'dystopian nightmare' for many years.................

I suspect the "new, shiny" anyway. Not only has it been a SERIOUS DISAPPOINTMENT since around 2010 (windows 8, gnome 3, Australis, 2D FLATASS in general, spyware and adware in WIndows 10, yotta yotta yotta yotta the list goes on), it shows a HORRIBLE trend that "modern" means less choice, less freedom, less privacy, less functionality, being driven by corporations rather than individuals driving THEM (because WE are CUSTOMERS), and so forth.

So the moment someone siren-sings "Web 3.0" I wanna mistrust it JUST ON PRINCIPLE ALONE.

(even if the article was an April 1 joke)

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