Reply to post: Re: I have to ask ....

The month I worked for DEADHEAD: Yes, that was their job title

ThatOne Silver badge

Re: I have to ask ....

> fewer and fewer sites celebrate April's fools

Problem is today's April's fools are liable to sue for discrimination: It's socially unacceptable to make fun of credulity-challenged fellow citizens, and you risk to be likened to those who consider women as self-propelled sextoys and people of non-Caucasian origin as non-humans. I mean, there is only right and wrong, if you're not with us you're against us, and nuances are for art students. Never forget: All discriminations are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

So, say no to barbaric, non-inclusive April's Fool.

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