Reply to post: Re: Subscription charging coming to you soon

Windows 11 growth at a standstill amid stringent hardware requirements

Nick Ryan Silver badge

Re: Subscription charging coming to you soon

They are "mainstream operating systems" even if you are too blinkered to know this.

Pulled from Wikipedia because I'm too lazy to write it myself:

An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs.

What parts of this do Android and iOS not do?

Not all software installable on Windows is installable on MacOS and vice versa - does this make one or the other not an Operating System? You can't just pick arbitrary applications and decide that if an OS cannot install them then it's not an OS, or even not a mainstream OS.

Statistics show that Android is the most common Operating System accessing websites in the world. Followed by Windows. Android, like windows, is also deployed on systems that are not used to browse websites therefore the numbers are not accurate, but as a wide measure such systems are in the minority. Here's a chart of OS usage worldwide: (selected as it was the first result in Google, no other reason)

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