Reply to post: Re: Give back some?

Yale finance director stole $40m in computers to resell on the sly

DS999 Silver badge

Re: Give back some?

I'll bet she doesn't have even half the $40 million. Not because she's spent it all on hookers and blow, but because there are some others involved who she's protecting. Who have already set up an offshore account for her in exchange for her silence while she spends a few years behind bars in a country club prison. I mean, stealing from Yale is about as white collar as a crime gets!

What are the odds that during 8 years no one who worked at Yale found out about this? About someone who must have been filing several $10K POs per work day to steal that much in that timespan! Of course they did, she just gave them a piece of the action in exchange for their silence.

The way these cases should work is the judge says "I sentence you to 30 years in prison, with one year suspended for every 4% of the loot you help us recover or can prove has been spent". She won't protect her co-conspirators if she's looking at being on social security by the time she gets out!

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