Reply to post: Re: Let me rephrase part of your report

NASA astronaut returns to Earth on a Russian Soyuz

Binraider Silver badge

Re: Let me rephrase part of your report

The relations between Moscow and Washington have been on the decline for years. This isn't a new thing. Economically, Moscow was already feeling like it was in trouble; and desperately did not want a Petrochemical competitor on the European continent to interrupt it's monopoly. Consider also that western europe had already persuaded itself it was a good idea to reduce demand; so I'm sure Moscow sees nothing but long term threats to it's income and therefore it's power base.

Ironically the war has pushed the west to forcibly reduce demand and try to progress alternatives more quickly.

Space exploration is another area that the Russians have now lost out on export business, what with SpaceX being able to out-price and out-capability both Soyuz and Proton - even with comically low wages for Russian personnel. Doing things the same way for 50 years did eventually come with a "price" of falling behind. And with the brain drain on Russia; I cannot see them able to innovate to even keep up let alone re-take such a lead. Angara isn't remotely competitive with other heavy lift options, and, crucially, it still isn't working. It may never.

Trump's ineffectiveness and terrible diplomatic skills are of course part of the story; and seemingly, a whole bunch of yes men in the chain of command fuelling the paranoia - some of whom have already been sacked. Ultimate responsibility lies in the Kremlin of course.

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