Reply to post: Re: cash - ugh

Dems propose privacy-respecting digital dollar

Graham Cobb Silver badge

Re: cash - ugh

I am more concerned about hiding stuff from the retailer. I do not want my prices to be increased based on how much money I have to spend. I don't want my advertising to be based on what I have previously bought. These are real issues for all of us (whether we choose to care about them or not).

And then there is the government: I have nothing to hide, I am happy to pay my share of taxes (in fact I campaign that taxes on people like me are too low), I am not trying to hide. However, that does not mean that I am willing to authorise them to track me - if my government doesn't trust me (i.e. the majority of people in the country) then how can I trust them? And I am well aware that there are people who need to not be tracked: there are well known cases of abuse by government (strip searching a teenager because she is black? putting a pensioner on a watch list because he attended a protest?), there are campaigning lawyers (e.g. fighting illegal government anti-migrant activity), there are investigative journalists looking into illegal activity by politicians. All those people need to be able to live their lives without tracking. I have a duty to a free society to make sure that using cash is not seen as rare or suspicious.

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