Reply to post: Re: Bring it on.

Dems propose privacy-respecting digital dollar


Re: Bring it on.

Just FYI, banks have to file paperwork on any cash transaction >= $8000.00. They dropped the limit a couple years ago. My teller friend at the bank informed me of this when I was pulling cash to purchase a car. ( The dealer kinda freaked out and had to call an associate over to help count it).

Any cash transaction also means just touching it. If you only ask them to run a large amount through the bill counter, that requires the same paperwork. Even for amounts < $8000.00, but significant they are required to ask what you are doing with the money.

Yes, I use cash a lot. One, I’m not a fan of world+dog knowing my purchasing habits, and secondly (removes tin foil hat), it is a very good way to stay on a budget. When I get paid I pull a set amount of cash that will cover groceries, gas, other expected payments for the month and a couple hundred extra for discrecional spending. 20th of the month rolls around and I’m low, no going out to dinner, I’m flush maybe a nice dinner or buy that shiny bobble in the window that caught my eye.

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