Reply to post: Re: Back in my college days

Debugging source is even harder when you can't stop laughing at it

aerogems Silver badge

Re: Back in my college days

Not trying to claim I'm the hero of the story. Don't remember why I did that now, just that it seemed like a good idea at the time. Still, it did anger me enough to test out of the class and I could then put that time to better use. Also meant I didn't have to go into the CS building anymore. The smell of BO was like a solid fug in that building that would smack you in the face the moment you walked in and took your first breath, constantly being recirculated by the cooling fans on all the computer systems.

Still, when the Microsoft source code leaked some years back, the whole argument that this sort of thing would get you fired in a professional setting kind of went out the window. As long as it wasn't in a customer-facing error prompt or something, no one would really care.

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