Reply to post: Re: Reasonably priced Mac Pro

Apple's Mac Studio exposed: A spare storage slot and built-in RAM

Robert Moore

Re: Reasonably priced Mac Pro

You are wrong on a few points.

Build quality is decent. Most of the Macs I see are still useable after 3-5 years. PC laptops are about 3 years tops. (Yes Mac repairability sucks.)

Most Macs are retired because Apple releases a new OS version that make it too slow.

Those overpriced fanboy machines. They actually sell for those prices. (At least local to me they do.)

Apple does offer a buy-back plan, but I seriously doubt anyone uses it. They really don't pay well for the hardware.

Personally I am done with Apple. No RAM upgrades is a total dealbreaker for me.

My new Linux'ed up Thinkpad is pretty sweet. But I accept it lacks any style.

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