Reply to post: Re: Salary isn't everything

US is best place to be a software engineer, salary survey finds

werdsmith Silver badge

Re: Salary isn't everything

I did live and work in Walnut Creek, Bay Area for a while. It was absolutely wonderful life for me as I wasn’t one of the poor souls who had to ride the BART into the city every morning. A pool in the yard, humming birds, summer and the the occasional PG&E power cut. Glorious! I also lived in northeast USA , at no stage did I ever need to fear guns, in fact I could go out in the evening and rarely saw the UK standard entertainment of drunks fighting. It was a wonderful time and I had the opportunity to stay there. But I feel a strong pull to my roots and I longed for home, despite all its faults. I guess I was lucky I didn’t ever need healthcare, though I believe I was covered.

In the end I found ways to earn well in Blighty, now I enjoy 2 or 3 days a week from home, no pressure. I love travelling and love being in other places, but none are home. So I would take the lower salary.

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