Reply to post: Re: I don't care what the experts say....

How legacy IPv6 addresses can spoil your network privacy


Re: I don't care what the experts say....

Strange, my linux boxen seem to support this with kernel versions 3.x something. Something tells me there is less entropy in a single IP address rather than having a uniquely identifiable ip address for every freaking device.

ip6tables -v -n -t nat --list POSTROUTING

Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 12 packets, 960 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination

0 0 MASQUERADE all * wl+ ::/0 ::/0

0 0 MASQUERADE all * tun+ ::/0 ::/0

0 0 MASQUERADE all * ppp+ ::/0 ::/0

0 0 MASQUERADE all * wg+ ::/0 ::/0

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