Reply to post: Re: What's the fallback mechanism?

FIDO Alliance says it has finally killed the password

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: What's the fallback mechanism?

"The paper implies this is already something they have processes for; I don't know if that's true."

I happen to know that its not. I know this because my significat others' nineteen-year-old was not dating a guy who worked at the at&t store. In an attempt to get more of her attention, ha ha, he added a 'spare' phone that he had laying around (the at&t store) to her mother's account, without her mothers permission, and migrated her data from her older less-shiny iPhone onto this new, spare, shiny iPhone. When it came time for a store inventory, the nineteen-year-old started complaining that he was bugging her about returning the phone he had given her or he was going to have to pay the cash price for it. I believe he paid the cash price for it, and still got terminated because they determined that he hadn't had approval from the account owner to remove/add the old/new phone to her account (the nineteen-year-old was not allowed to make changes to the account, and the store phone log showed that no call/message was made to the account owner.)

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