Reply to post: Re: @Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells

Boys outnumber girls 6 to 1 in UK compsci classes

LionelB Silver badge

Re: @Disgusted Of Tunbridge Wells

I can't speak to current IT environments. The rather unpleasant "boys' club" work experience I referenced was in the late 80s--early 90s, and I haven't worked in IT since (I now work as a research scientist).

Ironically, I entered computing in the early 80s only after completing a (rather good) postgrad diploma course in computer science. I already had a Masters degree in pure maths, but apparently that didn't qualify me.

I agree that a paper-stamp degree as an entry requirement into the industry is insane. But then our government(s), in their wisdom, decided to turn all the polytechnics into "universities", to the detriment of vocational education.

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