Reply to post: Re: Who cares....

Driver in Uber's self-driving car death goes on trial, says she feels 'betrayed'

Justthefacts Silver badge

Re: Who cares....

Yes - but that’s not *why* the car crashed and killed the pedestrian. The crash occurred for one very simple reason: Uber deliberately disabled the *standard* car safety systems (auto-braking). They did that because the factory-standard system repeatedly saw their self-driving system as driving dangerously, and braked very often.

This has ultimately nothing to do with self-driving at all, it’s the same as if they had deliberately crippled any other safety-critical system on the car. Would we be having this discussion if the engineering subsystem under discussion were the hydraulic brakes? Of course not. In fact, it’s almost identical to the Boeing MCAS case. Would the pilot have agreed to fly the plane if they had known the undocumented MCAS existed? No, of course not. Would the “safety driver” have agreed to sit in the drivers seat, if she had known Uber had deliberately disabled it’s standard safety systems to allow the car to drive dangerously? No, of course not.

This is on Uber, 100%.

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