Reply to post: So which GHG scope does bloatware fall into

'Significant business growth' fueled Microsoft's emissions rise


So which GHG scope does bloatware fall into

Under the Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) protocol, Scope, 1 covers emissions resulting directly from an organization's operations, Scope 2 includes indirect emissions from operations that are not wholly under the organization’s control, such as from generated fuels, while Scope 3 includes emissions generated in the "value chain."

Scope 1 Is probably pretty low because hopefully they use waste datacentre heat to warm their staff in winter.

Scope 2 sounds like emissions from using electricity to run the evil empire's coding, data and cloud centres

Scope 3 covers emissions associated with business travel, procurement, waste and water.

Its obvious that they have the temerity to produce software which uses more processing power to run and larger storage to hold the bloatware, then they blame the customers for wasting energy. A prime example is just booting into windows. My Minty Asus cold boots to login in around 10seconds the first 4 of which is the BIOS. My friends similarly speced Windows takes just under 50 unless you boot from hibernate. My system partition is 18GB, but the last time I tried to install Windows it failed because the Netbook I was using only had a 32GB NVMe which wasn't big enough for the OS and certainly no user space.

Also once Linux is running, I have neverr seen the CPU % rise above 50% for more than 1 second and mostly sits around 5% or less for general computing tasks. Everything (except some websites) seems to happen virtually instantaneously, which is far from the time I spent twiddling my thumbs when I was a Windows user.

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