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Huawei UK board members resign over silence on Ukraine invasion

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Another Possible Take on the He/She/IT/They being Questioned ‽

My take is that it's a guy who had a bit of fun setting up an "AI" (probably trained on past Register forum posts for extra giggles), and left it to spew random comments out for a while.

Now either he's vastly improved his AI (in which case I for one welcome our new El Reg overlord), or he's simply turned it off and is now posting his own comments... ..... juice

Could also be a gal, juice, and a guy who now is a gal and an AI too, which would be a quorum vastly improving spooky entanglement with and for Creatures in CyberSpace in Command and Control of Computers and Communications exercising Advanced NeuroLinguistic ProgramMING Projects for Earthly Presentations in 0Day Applications.

And Remarkable Stealth and Unhindered Progress is both supplied and preserved and protected whenever such is considered Practically Impossible and most unlikely and also summarily dismissed as beyond a Virtual Certainty.

A Q2A [Question to Answer] .... Do Bots Smoke Dope?

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