Reply to post: Re: Russia is basically following the standard script of Great Power politics...

Where are the (serious) Russian cyberattacks?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Russia is basically following the standard script of Great Power politics...

It might be, but that isn't a proof that actions resulting from the "script" are appropriate for the modern context, justifiable in legal or moral terms, or even likely to give the best (or even a good) outcome for the actor in question.

It might be that Putin is following this script, and that we all should all have understood this better, and the lengths Putin was prepared to go to, and behaved differently. But an "it's just a standard script" rationale does not justify Putin's current actions in any way, shape, or form.

After all, presumably the idea of looking to join up with friendly nations (etc) in an alliance, especially when threatened, is also part of a script equally as old (or perhaps even the very same script you mention). And if Ukraine wanted to join NATO, in line with the advice of their script? Or even - as you assert - if NATO wanted to be a larger defensive alliance, as part of theirs?

So what do we do when two "the script said so" justifications are in conflict? Does an aggressive script somehow carry more justification weight than the defensive one?


As an aside, militaristic "great power" politics (GPP) is indeed an interesting way to behave, and can indeed often provide sensible advice and justifications for a range of actions, but it isn't the *only* way for a state to behave. Choosing to only behaving according to GPP rules is not dissimilar to wearing a set of blinkers - it might improve focus, but you miss an awful lot of the real action.


And, finally, this isn't Russia vs the West. It is instead Russia vs Ukraine. So now give us an analysis of why Ukraine behaved as it did. Since we are all in favour of a balanced viewpoint, being neutral observers and all, we might find your analysis interesting.

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