Reply to post: Re: Keep It Simple, Stupid.

Apple, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla agree on something: Make web dev lives easier

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Keep It Simple, Stupid.

What you're saying is that your website doesn't render correctly on the world's most popular browser, but that's your user's/Google's problem, not yours?

Welcome to 2022, where users browse the web on everything from game consoles, to ultra wide 18:9 pc monitors, to mobile phones. The modern features of HTML5 and CSS3 make building websites that, not only work, but deliver an optimal experience for every user on whatever device they choose to access the web on, a relatively painless process for web developers. It's certainly a HELL of a lot easier now than it was in the days of IE6, when I first started as a Web professional we were still building with back compatibility for IE5.

There seems to be this pervasive idea that there was a golden age where web browsers just did as they told and everything just worked. It was never thus. Never. Even if it was, the nature of the technology has fundamentally changed, devices have changed, networks have changed, use cases have changed, expectations have changed. If you'd have told me in 2004 that I'd be able to stream gigabytes of data over the web to play video at ten times the resolution of a standard analogue TV signal (ask your dads, kids), wirelessly, to a 5mm thick, hand-held device, in my lifetime, I'd probably still be laughing to this very day.

You either roll with the changes, or stand aside to let them through. You can't stop progress, and this IS progress.

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