Reply to post: Re: "submit complaints"

EU, US close to replacing defunct Privacy Shield II

heyrick Silver badge

Re: "submit complaints"

Submit complaints to who, exactly? A supposed "independent judicial body"? Note the scare quotes.

If it's an American body, it'll be subject to all the usual laws where your privacy is worthless and ours (like whether or not you're being snooped upon) is paramount. Plus the American judiciary is highly adversarial and protectionist, by design. I don't think any American judicial body is capable of being independent.

If it's a European judicial body, expect them to get the run-around, empty promises, or flat denials, and ultimately be shown to be paid a lot for managing to do diddly-squat.

The fix to this isn't to support another round of bullshit, it's to give Europeans the right (complete with harsh penalties for failure) to have their data processed within the EU and not be organisations subject to extraterritorial law of countries known to be hostile to the concept of privacy. I won't say "America" here, as I suspect China is much the same, just a little less blatant.

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