Reply to post: Re: "Where does Putin nuke that wouldn't actually hasten his own end?"

Russia is the advanced persistent threat that just triggered. Ready?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "Where does Putin nuke that wouldn't actually hasten his own end?"

Not that Putin is Hitler of course

Don't be so sure... the comparison is becoming clearer In My Bombastic Opinion...

If nothing else, he's a short statured control freak with delusions of world domination and an army that's capable of starting a war of conquest in Europe in response to perceived grievances by neighboring countries, while simultaneously lying to his own people about it and stifling protests and dissent through fear and intimidation.

But, admittedly, Hitler was a better general. Putin's tactics seem to be focused around TERROR and INTIMIDATION, which is why he has a 40 mile long convoy with an obvious destination just sitting there waiting to be strafed, why he sent assassins to take out Zelenskyy (and they were 'eliminated'), why this has been the opposite of Gulf War I from Putini's perspective, yotta yotta and his army's morale is at an all time low from what I understand. And there may be a bit of an attitude about ethnic Ukrainians not dissimilar to the way Hitler treated Jewish people.

And evil men do evil. There's also that, yeah.

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