Reply to post: Re: That is in the same category as "We stand for freedom of Ukraine but forbid RT at home"

Govt suggests Brits should hand passports to social media companies

tiggity Silver badge

Re: That is in the same category as "We stand for freedom of Ukraine but forbid RT at home"

Indeed, love all the Tories cheering the anti war protests in Russia - when they have just passed laws to make going on UK protests* an impressionable offence (just like in Russia)

* wording so shoddy (deliberately) that the police can find an excuse to bang up even the most placid protestor if they try hard enough. If anyone thinks I'm being alarmist just look at the way that police brutality at the Sarah Everard vigil was given a free pass despite plenty of mobile footage of police unprovoked attacks on protestors... I know a couple of some people in the police, they describe most of their colleagues as racist / sexist thugs and don't see much hope of it improving rapidly as the culture leading to such traits not even been carefully hidden is deeply ingrained...They wonder how they managed to get accepted in the first place as it was obvious at interview they were a mismatch for canteen culture (being female their assumptions for acceptance were box ticking exercise on diversity)

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