Reply to post: Re: Philips Maestro

Apple seeks patent for 'innovation' resembling the ZX Spectrum, C64 and rPi 400

David 132 Silver badge
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Re: Philips Maestro

Ah yes, playing "spot the item glued to the walls and spray-painted to look future-y" was always fun when watching Red Dwarf. Pretty sure I saw an Amiga keyboard or two and what was possibly the instrument cluster shroud from a Ford Escort there in many of the early episodes.

And much of the "computer" stuff was Amiga based too, such as the terminal Lister was using when Kryten's detached eyeball scuttled up his boxer shorts (long story. Watch the episode. Or "just buy a potion from Gandalf the master wizard! That's what I usually do!").

(Edit: Holy crap. That episode was 1992?? Blimey.)

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