Reply to post: Re: Just when they are trying to convince us it’s safe

FAA now says 5G airports may interfere with Boeing 737s


Re: Just when they are trying to convince us it’s safe

"Not all radalts are the same."

Indeed. I was involved in some work back in the '80s that discovered that FM radio station transmitters -- and the stew of intermodulation frequencies that resulted from multiple FM transmitters in a locale -- could interfere with ILS receiver front ends. Not all receivers were susceptible to the same degree but some of the more commonly used (especially in general aviation) were affected the most. I recall wanting to be a fly on the wall at the meeting where the report was to be presented to the FCC (who would represent radio station operators who could be denied either an antenna location or proposed transmitter power if either interfered with the landing system) and the FAA (whose interested was in maintaining the protected airspace around an airport)---the fireworks would have been fun to watch.

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