Reply to post: Discount cards

Americans far more willing to hand over personal data


Discount cards

We were at our favourite BoatingFishing&Camping store and her membership had disappeared from their system, so re-enter phone number, email and details to get the 5% discount.

Yesterday at RipEveryPersonalCustomerOff they had a week of 30% off for club members.

So are the marked shelf prices always more than 30% over an acceptable retail price ?

What is the real $$$ value of that data to the retailer ?

'She who must be obeyed' has a purse full of these loyalty cards so her purchases can be easily tracked and collated.

Discounts are more attractive than just user experience, and they tie in tangible consumerism with online data.

I don't have any loyalty, I am definitely polygamous,

and keep an eye on the sky for those black helicopters.

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