Reply to post: Re: "73% of users worldwide use their Google or Facebook accounts to log into other apps"

Americans far more willing to hand over personal data

Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

Re: "73% of users worldwide use their Google or Facebook accounts to log into other apps"

It's fine if you have an encrypted database using a strong password on hardware you control. If it's open source and backed up sensibly (though I'm guessing you also think backups are for losers), then the risk is far lower than the risk of being completely owned through your carelessness.

You may think that little pointless logins to sites that "don't matter" can all have the same password without that being a problem, but each site compromised is a piece in the puzzle to taking over your online life; it doesn't take many pieces before someone can just pretend to be you and get the rest of the puzzle. No site that has actual personal data – even if it's just a valid email address – can be said to "not matter".

Being ignorant is one thing, but when people who do this for a living (and repeatedly have to fix the cockups of people like you) tell you that you're being a fool, and then you continue to be a fool anyway, that's simple arrogance.

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