Reply to post: Re: ReactOS open source 32bit Windows, following a similar journey to maturity hopefully.

FreeDOS puts out first new version in six years

Nate Amsden

Re: ReactOS open source 32bit Windows, following a similar journey to maturity hopefully.

People running vintage hardware generally will have no issue running vintage OS as well, obviously they will have vintage software to run on the hardware.

ReactOS sounded neat when I first heard about it in the late 90s I think. I don't think it really went anywhere over the past 20+ years so don't hold your breath too much. They just don't have the resources to do it (it's certainly no small task). ReactOS is probably worse off than even Hurd, which is so obscure I even forgot what Hurd was called I had to go browse Debian's site to refresh my memory.

I know they(ReactOS team) does it "because they can", but it just seems like too huge of a task to seriously take on.

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