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AI-created faces now look so real, humans can't spot the difference

ThatOne Silver badge

As Charles 9 said.

In our societies which are increasingly losing their points of reference, individual identity is increasingly defined by ideology, which includes all kinds of religions and more or less strange convictions.

"Fake news" aka lies have always existed, but till recently they lived a shameful shadow existence, while nowadays they are political and societal stars: People aren't ashamed of telling lies anymore, they take a pride in doing so as long as it serves their cause.

So indeed, there is no "political solution" to peoples' identity crisis, except maybe summary execution (potentially using gas, in collective shower rooms?...). Politics is (or at least should be) about keeping a coherent society of different people with differing agendas working, not about telling individual persons what to think. That's way too dangerous a path.

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