Reply to post: Re: Single user vs Multi-user collaboration

Experimental WebAssembly port of LibreOffice released

b0llchit Silver badge

Re: Single user vs Multi-user collaboration

Yes, Etherpad is a good idea. However, it does not work "out of the box". Installing Etherpad is quite a steep and high mountain. It is a very interesting project but lacks user/sysadmin oriented packaging, configuration and maintenance.

Etherpad, like many projects, suffers from developer installation syndrome. It is assumed that you have the time and interest to do a deep dive into intricate details stemming from development that should not matter for the normal sysadmin and user who just want the functionality. Most documentation and configuration information is available, but it is not accessible for non-developers (I really do not want to read the source code to find out why something does not work [as expected]).

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