Reply to post: Re: Genuine question RISC-V / ARM

RISC-V keeps its head down amid global chip war

Justthefacts Silver badge

Re: Genuine question RISC-V / ARM

Moving goalposts and whatabouttery…..

Look, what type of market niche are you looking to fill with this RISCV? It’s a very basic question.

If all you want is to design a cheap microcontroller, then you can etch it by hand with kindergarten crayons. The problem is that the market has had a dozen competitive ones from different companies, for two decades, and really there’s no room for yet another. Nobody needs to do this again *ever*. It’s. Done. Please. Stop.

But if you have in mind some high-end superscalar out-of-order more general purpose computing engine…..the teams you want integrate it are using professional high-end toolsets, not a bunch of crayons. And if you have you have *any concern at all* that your Design Team would lose access to a “core controlled by the USA”, they lose access to their copy of (for example) Synopsys Fusion Compiler at the same instant.

Spice just isn’t in the same universe for “the set of things that need doing”.

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