Reply to post: Re: Millenials

IBM looked to reinvigorate its 'dated maternal workforce'


Re: Millenials

I hate to tell you but the 50 year old's of today are not Boomers - we are Gen-X!!

The forgotten generation, Thatchers Children, latchkey kids etc...

We were also pretty much the last generation to have the old school apprenticeships, taught by wartime craftsmen and early Boomers. It sounds like you had a similar experience at a young age - complete with clips round the ear :) Can't do that any more!

Writing off Gen-X (and Boomers!) is a very bad idea - while Millennials and Gen-Z never knew a time without computers etc. we grew up through the transition, innovated and invented. I personally, can't think of any peer who would not help and encourage a young engineer as we were (I have had my own apprentices) so maybe you have been unlucky where you work.

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