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Make assistive driving safe: Eliminate pedestrians

Potemkine! Silver badge

So I take the turn as directed by

I did that once, when Waze hadn't the option yet "don't go through roads that aren't roads after all".

I found myself trapped in a muddy dirt road, with nice big rocks from time to time, and a downward 15% slope. And of course with a car with an automatic gearbox, because it's funnier when you can't use motor brake and drive a way a crab would be proud of. After 10 minutes of sweat, I was lucky to be back in one unbumped piece to a standard road. Since then I don't follow apps applications if they lead me to a road too narrow to turn back.

Mr Dabbs leaving near Montpellier would be surprised of this, but there are cities in France where a pedestrian can cross the street, eyes closed, without risking death. In France the way to drive is very different from one region to another. In Montpellier like most places in south-eastern France, a pedestrian makes a gamble each time there's a street to cross, even on a pedestrian crossing. More exactly, especially on it, because it can give a false sense of security...

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