Reply to post: Re: Confusing GA with advertising?

France says Google Analytics breaches GDPR when it sends data to US

Justthefacts Silver badge

Re: Confusing GA with advertising?

I think the point you are missing, with all respect, is that you aren’t the target customer for 99% of businesses. The upmarket hair salon in London, for one. Or a beauty influencer in Cornwall, posting on Insta. They won’t be selling your life to Google, or Facebook, because you are never going to shop there. Most businesses have no interest in you, in just the same way as you have no interest in them. But they shouldn’t need *your* permission to operate.

Of course, businesses need to obey the law, and will do so. I do so, and will do so. If the only businesses that could operate were ones of the type that *you* deem to be a “customer-friendly presence”, we would have a very small economy indeed. I’m not even sure we’d *have* an economy: 60 million people can’t live off the earnings of Raspberry PI alone. Which, by the way, *does have* web analytics, quite a lot of it.

So the real point is: don’t *change* the law to restrict to only the type of businesses *you personally* want to buy from. You understand what that type of political system is, right?

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