Reply to post: Re: Equality

UK science stuck in 'holding pattern' on EU funding by Brexit, says minister

Justthefacts Silver badge

Re: Equality

Ah, signal processing research…..

From someone who has worked in that field, you’re wasting your time reading papers for anything but the basics. Anything that’s worth knowing is broadly proprietary, and you learn it by working alongside great people in megacorps that patent it all. And worst of all, defence companies are often the strongest, with places like Qualcomm next, and investment banks last (they think they know it all, but they aren’t as good as they think). I understand you don’t want to hear that. But you’ve absolutely picked the wrong speciality if you want open research.

I hope I’ve saved you a couple of years, believing it’s all locked away in IEEE proceedings you can’t afford, and done in university departments. It really isnt.

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