Reply to post: More Than One-way Skin a Cat

US carriers want to junk three times more Chinese comms kit than planned

Grinning Bandicoot

More Than One-way Skin a Cat

The drone that advertises with X, a brilliant engineer that designed a drone costing pennies, quit when the firm was bought and the new owner wanted to charge up the ying-yang so he quit, style (the latest being Quad Air) that has you mount the receiving half of the programming in your smart phone has its processing done at a location North and West of Peking. So the twit goes buys a drone, loads the app on his phone calls his buddy at work and a termite attack begins. (Termite attack is termites boring slowly through oak, very slow but persistent until full penetration occurs and the usual signs not present) It has been how long since the Bloomberg Report about mystery chip?

In Econ 1 the "Theory of the Common Pasture" was presented and what presents better grazing than Guberment. Cost avoidance is prime teaching in business training so getting the servants (?) of the people to give away something that doesn't belong to them, AKA buying votes, is a fair game. Under the '30s Theories of total warfare the planting of communication attacks prior to hot war again is legit so its "Spy vs Spy"

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