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Crack team of boffins hash out how e-scooters should sound – but they need your help*

M.V. Lipvig Silver badge

Damned things are common at my local big city downtown area, which is all one-way multilane streets. I worked there before work at home became a thing. More than once I almost ran over a pack of those scooters thst came barreling across the road, going against the flow of traffic, off the sidewalks. Sonce they were against the flow they couldn't see the oncoming traffic had the red, and they didn't bother looking at the pedestrian light or stop to make sure no traffic was coming. So, I had the green, and am going 25MPH, when across the intersection goes half a dozen or so scooters, racing and weaving amongst themselves. Happened both in the afternoon on my way in, and at around midnight on my way home. Far be it from me to stop anyone's fun, but when their fun means I'm constantly slamming on the brakes and risking being rear ended because they ride like road laws and the laws of physics don't apply, time for the fun to end.

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