Reply to post: Re: Already better than successful

12-year-old revives Unity desktop, develops software repo client, builds gaming environment for Ubuntu...


Re: Already better than successful

You mean everyone in school should get A's so no-one "feels" bad? What a load of horse manure. Eliminate words like losers & winners because in Russia & China everyone is the "same"? Life is not based on some socialist dream world. Evil & good exist side-by-side, often in the same person.

Humans are flawed & every government on earth is corrupt. This young person has been blessed (cursed?) with a huge mind & personality. Feeding him all of that "feel good" crap will leave him homeless & talking to the voices in his head.

Too much evil in the world to pretend it does not exist. Life is not fair. Examples are all around us. Just reading this article tells me if you try you will fail. He is smarter than most of us. Especially those with their heads in the clouds or up their butts.

He may create the AI that rules the world from an easy chair in his billion dollar mansion protected by his drones & bots. With Ubuntu/Linux; NOT MS or Google. Just say'n...

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