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US grounds investors in Chinese drone maker DJI over 'Xinjiang human rights abuses' Silver badge

Why not put your priorities in the right order and point the fingers at the biggest culprits?

I don't see how that helps when all parties are at fault, but okay.

You fear China's military expenditure while ignoring the actual reality of Western military intervention across the globe.

I fear China's continual expanse and quiet control of nations and states via incurring massive debts and placing strategic outposts around the globe. I despise Western (in your case focused on the US) military intervention and wish they would stop. They act like they are the saviors of the modern world.

Do you raise concerns about the 'israeli' military industrial complex and their activities in Palestine?

Yes. The Middle East in general is a constant hotbed of human rights abuses and potential warcrimes, all in the name of a stretch of dead earth that no one else gives a shit about and long-dead religious figures. None of it is any kind of excuse for the kinds of atrocities committed in the name of their gods and their goals. For your clarification, I am talking about both sides. And when the guillotine falls, the ones that lose the most are the civilians, of course.

Do you raise concerns about the Saudi and UAE military complex and their destruction of Yemen?

See above.

What about your own country's involvement and it's naval parades in the South China Sea?

You are assuming I'm of the United States. While correct, don't assume my position based on that. The US has no reason to be doing about 80% of the military action it is, and is only doing so to at the behest/to further the coffers of the defense contractors and arms dealers that make a killing (ha) off of war.

What about the NATO Cabal and their constant and buffoonish attempts to incite WW3 with Russia?

NATO doesn't have much power in and of itself, but the aggression toward Russia has been somewhat untoward. Nor am I in support of the nonsense that often goes on at the UN. Of course, one cannot ignore China's pandering to both Ukraine and Russia in an attempt to stay on good trading terms with Ukraine and continue to get support from Russia. China is not innocent here, though they may act like it. (Aside: Best case solution would be for Ukraine to chill out and abide by the treatise they signed to avoid an all-out war; this time they will lose more than Crimea and Donbas, as Russia already has its foot in the door and has spread dissent throughout the nation.)

I doubt you do. Instead, you raise 'concerns' about a Country that has rarely engaged in military activities outside its borders in the last 70 years!

You show your true colors. China's consistent and obvious expansion and growth of power outside of its borders, militaristic in nature or not, is a cause for concern. Their massive army and constant development of new tech is a cause for concern. Their grip on a significant portion of the world's production is a cause for concern. If you don't see that, you are either blind or attempting to push your own agenda. Being the lesser of evils does not miraculously make an evil a good, and being the lesser evil only because you lie and deceive and distract and work outside of the limelight (or redirect it) doesn't help.

I am not saying other countries and nations are not guilty of the same things China are doing, because many are. But China is finding and utilizing footholds where no one else even has a chance to step—either that or they are very good at making it seem like they are, and are faking it until they make it.

How ridiculous is that?

I agree, your pandering is pretty ridiculous.

China is the last country on earth one should be concerned about - unless it's being provoked by the Anglo-American Neo-Imperial complex and it's "Five Eyes" old boys club ...

In fact, I haven't read something so ridiculous in a good while.

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