Reply to post: Re: Creepy but...

Grab some tissues: Meta's share price tanks after Facebook emits latest figures

Charlie Clark Silver badge

Re: Creepy but...

Personally, I've never been that convinced by Facebook's promise of incredibly granular demographic data for advertisers. But others obviously are, as you can see from the pricing strategy. However, while I think there is more commercial promise in the content-based marketing of, say, Instagram and TikTok (you already have the AI of AIDA), there's no doubt the demographic and sentiment data, which you get from all the nowtrage, also sells well, just to different buyers.

And also let's not forget that, whatever they say, advertisers know there a bundle of us who are pretty resistant to their wiles. They build this in to their calcualtions and focus on those more easily swayed leaving us marks open to other approaches.

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