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Russia's naval exercise near Ireland unlikely to involve cable-tapping shenanigans

imanidiot Silver badge

Most certainly not. That would basically give all military power in the EU to Germany and France (mostly Germany). A scenario the EU was originally designed to explicitly avoid. Plus it gives the bureaucrats in Brussels basically free reign to use military forces from one EU country to quell any dissent in another EU country. German soldiers might be disinclined to act against their fellow citizens, french forces might have no such qualms and vice-versa.

NATO SHOULD however start enforcing military spending on it's members. Several countries like the Netherlands fail to reach the 3% of GDP minimum spend on their military year on year on year. And it's shameful. (Also reminds most sensible people here of the days before both the 1st and 2nd world wars where our armed forces were cost-cut to bare bones.)

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