Reply to post: Re: Its an alternative to doing anything useful

America's EARN IT Act attacking Section 230 is back – and once again threatening the internet, critics say

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Its an alternative to doing anything useful

'Tis the problem of having an entrenched two party system, there's no room for new voices to be heard, compromises cant be reached, and others who might form a new or breakaway party are unable to.

An Entrenched Two Party system is barely different to a One Part system - it only operates for one section of the Population. You could almost argue that a One Party System is better, at least they get everything moving in the one direction, rather than flip flopping every few election years. Although, admittedly it's only better for one section of the population...

If you want to fix American politics, you need to start fighting it, to allow that other party's can be formed. It's incredibly telling that the Tea Party section of the Republicans never broke away from the main party, despite massive calls for them to do so. Those behind the Tea Party realised that leaving the republican fold would relegate them to the wilderness, so they have done their best to take over the Republican Party from within. In a proper democracy, they would have formed a new Party and competed for the Parliament on the same level as the original Republican Party. But in America that's not how it works. And it's why your democracy is failing...

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